Tuesday 10 July 2012

Up early again today.. but not as early as usual- 7am today.. just heaven. Shame I have to go to work again today!
Yesterday I had a short day at work on account that I am still getting over a minor stroke that I had on 23rd May- I know, I know- I'm too young for a stroke! lol... but it happened and yet here I am having fully recovered! On the scale of 1-10 my strokes was a 1 so I was very lucky- but boy does it make you  re-evaluate life! You realise how different things could have been if you lived your life differently- took it easier... had less stress etc.

I am now actively looking at ways to be able to afford to give up work so I can spend more time here with Mark and my dogs.. something I'd love to do.

Sadly I still have a hefty mortgage so the only way I'd be able to do that is to consider moving from the house I love and downsizing.. I'm considering that now but haven't come to any real conclusions yet.

If you're a crafter you're probably wondering when I am going to start talking about that- but so far I haven't had any time to do that and I'm out of time today- more tomorrow!

Monday 9 July 2012

Trying out my new 'toy'

Woken up this morning and would like to introduce you to my 'family' of dogs today. I have three of them and they are all GORGEOUS in every way. First I have my 5 year old Border Collie/Springer cross who is every bit as nutty as you would expect- called Bella ('cos she is!)  and  then we have Basil- the characterful three year old rough coated Jack Russell who we say is a bit of a 'mutant' Jackie as he is so much larger than most. He is so cute and we also call him Sir Lickalot- cos he does! Lastly we have our new addition, Digby- he's a 9 month working Cocker Spaniel and he is ADORABLE! We had the first two from rescue centres and then Digby was rehomed via the breeder at 16 weeks as his first owners couldn't keep him due to work commitments. He is the latest love of my life- aswell as my husband of 32 years, Mark! They are pictured in my first blog photo and they will feature heavily over the coming days... hope you like dogs! 

I'll also be adding in about my love of scrapbooking and cardmaking. I'm new to card making so things don't always go well there, but I've been scrapbooking for a couple of years now and it is true to say I'm truly addicted.. and you'll soon see why! I started to today- logged on as usual and spent a few pounds on Ebay buying some lovely pretty embellishments for my pages of memories- as I call them- this time some lovely sparkly butterflies in white, black and aqua and some pretty ladybirds with black gemstone bling on their wings- scrumptious- I can't wait for them to arrive so I can add them to my pages!  

After I'd logged on- with my three dogs beside me- I decided I would start this blog as I have so much free time in the mornings. I'm an empty nester so I have plenty of time to do what I like before heading off to work as an estate agent. I'm a very early riser so most of my blogs will be early morning- but equally it could be late at night as Mark is a firefighter and he works shifts so I shall be getting things off my chest at the end of some days when there is no-one else here to talk to.. except my dogs of course... but they don't offer many 'thoughts' on my rants! lol

Please feel free to comment and I hope to hear from you soon! Happy blogging! 

ChidKids daily life blog: New to this

ChidKids daily life blog: New to this: Well! Here goes- never done this before! I hope to add daily posts telling you about my life, my love of crafting, countryside and photogr...

New to this

Well! Here goes- never done this before! I hope to add daily posts telling you about my life, my love of crafting, countryside and photography and all the amusing things that happen to me in my 'other life' as a harassed estate agent! We all have our cross to bear and mine is my job... I am really starting this to share my crafting stories and my addiction to surfing the net early in the morning. As an insomniac I am often awake at the crack of dawn and think I may as well use my time productively rather than just surfing Ebay and spending money all the time.  Lol.. I have three dogs- which I am sure will feature heavily and I hope you enjoy my stories.